Our Senior Service is Now Offering Free Tax Preparation Services
Now Offering FREE Tax Preparation at CAY!!
You MUST bring the following documents to have your taxes prepared:
• Valid photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, etc.) for taxpayer and spouse.
• Original Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for you, your spouse, your children and other dependents included in your tax return.
• Your current Identity Protection PIN number issued by the IRS (if you have one) for each year’s taxes that you need prepared.
• Printed copies of all year-end tax forms you have received in the mail. (We cannot use electronic files from phones.)
• If you received health care from the marketplace, bring your form 1095-A. (We cannot prepare your return without it.)
For more information about sites, special accommodations, or the availability of interpreters, call 717.848.1808 or e-mail bfreeland@crispusattucks.org