Mayor Helfrich leads CAY Codorus Corridor Summer Enrichment Program
The Codorus Creek Improvement Project represents one of the greatest opportunities of a lifetime for many York County residents. The project has been in the planning stages for over 100 years and presents an enormous economic opportunitythat will transform the citya n d have a lastingimpact on improving the quality of life providing a range of educational, workforce and talent development opportunities. Other areas of human development such as professional and career development will be enhanced because of this project. By utilizing this project as a live learning laboratory, we can help to ensure a bright future with agrowing and healthy economy for generations to come.
The Codorus Corridor Summer Enrichment Program (CCSEP) is designed to help ensure that future by incorporating project-based and hands-on learning opportunities.The CCSEP is a direct and intentional strategy to engage the community into development activity taking place in the city.
This strategic approach to enhancing learning opportunities for students was the output of the redevelopment committee of the General Authority, Buchart Horn, City of York, Senior Community Service Employment Program, YEA along with members of the York City School District.
Another important component of the program is to include and encourage senior citizen participation. Participants from the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) will enforce all safety and behavior protocols. Additionally, bringing seniors into the educational process with students is noteworthy. Building relationships between students and seniors will help enhance multi-generational learning approaches.The SCESP is an affiliate of the National Council On Aging (NCOA).
Asix-week (6), 20 hours per week Summer Enrichment Program for students in (K9- K12). The curriculum utilizes a personal interaction with presenters and staff, Monday through Thursday. On Friday, the core team is proposing afield trip component to help refortify the subject matter learned Monday through Thursday. This will be a hands on project based training day. The SCESP participants will act as monitors for the training group, they will have the necessary clearances from the Department of Education and Child Welfare Services.
Crispus Attacks York’s Codorus Corridor Summer Enrichment Program would like to express our gratitude to Mayor Helfrich and all those involved in organizing and facilitating this educational journey. Such initiatives play a vital role in shaping our students future. Thank you for empowering our young individuals to become environmental advocates and change-makers. #giverisetopossible