In honor of BHM CAY HCC Community Outreach Program Rep. Jeff Kirkland will be curating!
Don’t miss the opportunity to join prominent York Historian and CAY History and Culture Center Historian Community Outreach Program Rep., Jeff Kirkland will be at the Appell Center for the Performing Arts on February 23rd, at 7pm to conclude a special film series commemorating Black History Month. Mr. Kirkland will be curating the film “A Man Called Adam”. The screening will open with remarks by Mr. Kirkland, who will share his reasons for selecting and advocating the sharing of this particular movie with the broader York community. Learn more and register here: https://appellcenter.org/show/
Thanks to the generous support of the Racial Equity Fund provided by the York County Community Foundation, admission to all four movies in the series is FREE!.
#blackhistorymonth #performingarts #appellcenter #downtownyorkpa #iloveyorkcity #yorkpa #giverisetopossible #yorkcountycommunityfoundation #cayhcc