THANK YOU YORK!! $39,185 Raised for 2024 Give Local York Campaign
Crispus Attucks York expresses deep gratitude for the overwhelming support received during the 2024 Give Local York Campaign aimed at raising $60,000. Despite falling short of the target, the community’s generosity shone through, resulting in a remarkable total of $39,185 raised. This significant amount will be utilized to enhance Crispus Attucks York’s Educational Programs through the modernization of the outdated Computer Lab, marking a pivotal step towards improving education within our community.
The organization extends a sincere thank you to all contributors, acknowledging the invaluable impact of each donation towards fulfilling their educational mission. Special recognition is reserved for the Matches that played a crucial role in amplifying the impact of individual gifts. The JLS Automation Match, which matched all donations up to $250 until the $2,500 match pool was exhausted, effectively multiplied the impact of contributions made at 9 am on May 3. Furthermore, heartfelt gratitude is extended to Two Anonymous staff members whose generous donations of $2,500 each, totaling $5,000, were matched dollar for dollar, demonstrating a profound commitment to the cause.
It is the unwavering support and generosity of the community that fuels Crispus Attucks York’s ability to deliver exceptional services and programs to benefit the community at large. The organization remains deeply appreciative of all supporters and partners who continue to make a positive difference through their contributions.