Employment and Training
“The true charity is not giving bread or money, but providing employment.”
For Job Seekers
The Center is a South Central PA Works-affiliated program and a proud partner of the local “one stop” career center, PA Careerlink York County.
For Employers
Our Employment & Training Center is proud to serve and partner with businesses and organizations throughout York County. If you and your business or organization is interested in any of the following, please contact our office.

Schedule Trainings
We offer several small or large group trainings and workshops on diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Become a Work Experience Site
We help develop future skilled employees by pairing youth to work part-time in a local business or organization in need of assistance.

Join our Advisory Boards
Our Business Advisory Board and Partners in Education Consortium represent high demand industries in the area and local educational institutions. Both groups provide guidance and technical assistance regarding program development, local hiring trends, desirable employment skills and qualifications, and more.
Community Partners
Representatives serving in diverse career fields comprise our Business Advisory Board and Partners in Education Consortium.